

To leave completely and finally. Forsake utterly. To desert - to go away from a person, thing or place not intending to return. Withdraw support or help from one.


No remedy is mentioned in this rubric. The right rubric is ‘ abandoned feels’ as mentioned in Knerr’s Repertory, and hence the cross reference ‘Forsaken feeling’ has some meaning. China-b is the remedy mentioned in Knerr’s repertory.

Cross reference:

Forsaken feeling. Forsaken feeling, isolation sensation of.


Sudden and unexpected Especially of speech, talking very little and often rude or seeming rude, curt. Not flowing smoothly or evenly, disjointed Disconnected steps


It is behaviour where a person suddenly takes unexpected step, which surprises other. E.g. there are few people sitting in a meeting, and one of them suddenly stands and walks out of the room. Others are surprised by his behaviour. T

Cross reference:

Answers, abruptly, shortly, curtly Harshness Impolite Irritability, questioned when Talk, indisposed to Talk, abrupt Rashness Impulsive Heedless

3Absent Minded

So lost in thought that one doesn’t realize what one is doing, what is happening etc. Preoccupied to the extent of being unaware of one’s immediate surroundings.


Unintentional wandering of mind which makes person unaware of what is happening in his surroundings. To understand this, remember the story of ‘absent minded professor’ the professor kept his spectacle on hi

Cross reference:

Abstraction of mind: Absorbed in thoughts: Forgetful Memory weakness: Concentration, difficult Dullness Staring; thoughtless Unobserving

4Absorbed Buried in Thought

To engross or engage wholly with one’s attentions fully held. Intently interested Deeply engrossed, preoccupied Absorbed in thoughts


A person is completely engrossed in his thoughts. This rubric is very useful in those children, who are completely absorbed in television, and do not react to calls from parents. They are so engrossed in television that you have to lite

Cross reference:


5Abusive, Insulting

Treating badly or injuriously, mistreating Characterized by harshly or coarsely insulting language.


Cursing: Scolding Quarrelsome Insolent Rudeness Reproaches; others Slander, disposition to


State of being active Quality of acting promptly, energy


Indicates a state of activity which could be mental and physical.


Keen, sharp or penetrating in intellect, insight or perception Extremely great or severe, crucial.

Cross reference:

Memory; active


Council, advice or caution by authority

Cross reference:

Ailments from; admonition When such people are told to remain careful about a likely mistaken which they can make, they tend to react emotionally. Also people having a dispositional sensitivity towards admonition are usually careful to do exactly


An action or a type of behaviour, manner of speaking etc. which is not natural but is intended to impress others. A deliberate display of something that is not truly felt, Pretense


Speaking or acting unnaturally, artificially in an effort to attract attention. It is a struggle to express qualities, which are not actually possessed by the person; pretense; artificial manner. Affectation is again a deduced rubric, which the physi

Cross reference:



Showing, indicating or characterized by love - tender. Having great love, warmly attached.


Being “Affectionate” is a behavioural pattern. When this behaviour is exaggerated, intense and overt it is of value for us, but the demonstration of affection between closely related people is considered normal. Hence one will have to weigh the inten

Cross reference:

Embraces; companions Kisses; everyone Mildness Sympathetic


State / feeling of anxiety or excitement.

Cross reference:

Excitement It means being shaken up & disturbed emotional

12Air Castles

Plans or hopes that are unlikely to be fulfilled Fanciful or impractical scheme; daydream Wishful thinking

Cross reference:



Desire for work and activity, energy. Strong desire to achieve something


An earnest desire for some type of achievement or power, fame, wealth etc. And the willingness to drive for its attainment. It is important here to examine the intensity of the drive behind the desire to achieve. This can be judged

Cross reference:

Indolence (this is opposite of ambition. Please correct such mistakes. It has to be deleted.)

14A/F Ambitions Loss of / Ambitions Deceived

It indicates a state of ill health produced when the person fails to achieve or perceive his ambitions.


Openly showing or feeling love relating to sexual love.

Cross reference:

Lascivious Lewd Amativeness Dreams; amorous Libertinism Nymphomania

16Amusement aversion to

Amusement is things that make time pass pleasantly. Something entertaining. Amusement is a state or experience of finding something pleasant or funny causing happiness.


This is a “negative symptom”- which means it will require our eye to be trained to watch for something that is not present- the absence must strike us! Usually we are all taught to pick up things that are present and are peculiar, which is a comparat

Cross reference:

Going out; aversion Indifference; pleasure Play; aversion to Serious

17Amusement desire for

Strong wish to have entertainment.

Cross reference:

Cheerfulness Excitement High- spirited Jesting Laughing Mirth Play; desire Pleasure Smiling

18Anger Irascibility

Showing or resulting from quick temper and fit; anger. Easily angered; quick tempered.

Cross reference:

Irritability Rage Hatred Indignation Quarrelsomeness Violent Wildness


Severe distress/ mental sufferings. Excruciating / acute pain, suffering, / distress.


This rubric is once again to be observed, here at the end of the case one feels that the person is intensely suffering and is in pain from the overall narration. Here we must have a very broad view to perceive and use this rubric.

Cross reference:

Anxiety Fear; panic attacks Restlessness

20Answers Abruptly, Shortly, Curtly

Answers sudden, quick, rapid, instantaneous, surprising, unexpected snappish.

Cross reference:

Abrupt Talk, abrupt

21Antagonism with Herself

Feeling of hostility or opposition with herself.

Cross reference:

Contemptuous self Confusion; identity Delusions; divided Irresolution Thoughts; two trains of Will; contradiction of


Realization in advance, fore test Expectation or hope, intuition, fore knowledge. To think with pleasure and excitement about something. To look forward to.

Cross reference:

Anxiety; anticipating Anxiety; future, about Grief, future, for? Timidity; appearing in public

23Antics Plays

Plays strange or silly behavior which is intended to cause amusement but with time causes disapproval.

Cross reference:

Childish behavior Foolish behavior Gesture; ridiculous Gesture; strange


Distress or uneasiness of mind caused by apprehension of danger or misfortune. Solicitous desire, eagerness. A strong feeling of fear or distress. (once) Uneasiness, worried about what may happen concerning a possible future even.

Cross reference:

Ailments from; anxiety Anguish Brooding Cares; full of Fear Frightened Thoughts; tormenting


Absence /suppression of passion, emotions or excitement. Lack of interest in or concern for things which others find moving Lack of enthusiasm / emotions.

Cross reference:



Impairment or loss of faculty of using or understanding spoken or written language.

Cross reference:

Memory; weakness; say, for what he is about to


Anticipating dread or fear of coming evil. Anxiety that something unpleasant will happen in future.

Cross reference:

Anticipation Anxiety; anticipating an engagement Anxiety; future Anxiety; time is set Death; presentiment of Excitement; anticipating events Fear; happen Restlessness Time; passes too slowly


Having expressive of or characterized by intense feelings, emotions or devotion, passionate. Very enthusiastic or passionate for something, eager The antonym of Ardent is half-hearted.

Cross reference:

Affectionate Enthusiasm Passionate


Behaving in a proud and superior manner, showing too much pride in oneself and too little consideration of others. Having or showing too high an opinion of one’s own abilities or importance.

Cross reference:


30Ask for Nothing

Not making any demands.


This is behaviour of the patient that one will have to more often than not observe and make a conclusion. Sometimes the relative’s description about his behaviour will help us understand this. As we can see the rubric points out that there is n

Cross reference:

Desires, nothing Indifference Quiet Reserved


Act or faculty of attending especially by directing a mind to an object. Concentration of mind on a single object or thought. Special care and consideration. Notice, awareness

Cross reference:


32Attitude Assumes Strange

Manner, disposition, feeling, position etc. with regards to a person or thing are strange Postures unusual

Cross reference:

Gestures; strange attitudes and positions


Boldness or daring esp. with confident or arrogant disregard For personal safety. Showing a lack of respect- impudent. Showing or willingness to take risk

Cross reference:

Courageous Temerity High spirited Fearlessness Impertinence Insolent Rashness


Having the power of self-motion, self-moving, of self-acting occurring spontaneously, unconsciously or from force of habit Occurring or happening naturally. Involuntary

Cross reference:

Gestures; automatic Unconscious; conduct automatic


Extreme desire for wealth (large amount of money or property) or gain. Insatiable greed for riches, inordinate, miserly, desire to gain and hoard wealth.

Cross reference:

Greed Anxiety; business Desires; more than she needs Envy Fear, poverty of Selfish Ungrateful

41bad News, Ailments from

Cross reference:

Ailments from bad news


Sound resembling the cry of a dog i.e. a sharp, abrupt, harsh and loud sound; shout abruptly or aggressively. It has to be differentiated from the rubric “Growling”, like a dog, which means a low, harsh rumbling sound as against barking whi

Cross reference:

Growling Howling


Extremely modest and shy; easily embarrassed.

Cross reference:

Timidity; bashful

44Battles Talks About

Talks about fight between two persons / animals. Talks about a fight between (esp. large organized) opposing forces. Talks, talking, talks; battles

Cross reference:

Talks, talking, talks; battles

45Bed Aversion To

Dislike to bed. Antipathy to bed.

Cross reference:

Fear; bed, going to - bed, of the Escape; springs up Timidity; bed, going to

46Begging Entreating

To ask for a gift or charity or a favour earnestly or humbly

Cross reference:

Delirium; begging for help during



To roar esp. with pain To says thing loudly or angrily; to shout. Cry in a loud deep voice, shout; roar with pain; to emit a loud, hollow sound.

Cross reference:




To express pity for, to moan over To express one’s sorrow or disappointment. Lamenting. To grieve over; regret; lament or express sorrow.

Cross reference:




Desiring to do good to others. Expressing good will or kindly feeling. Desire to be kind, helpful or generous.

Cross reference:

Affectionate Anxiety; others Mildness Sympathetic



To make numb, deprive of sensation. To render inactive, stupefy Numb, deprived of sensitivity; unconsciousness; black-out. See “Stupefaction”.

Cross reference:




To be confused or puzzled completely, perplex. To be confused or perplexed. See “Confusion”.

Cross reference:




Nipping, smarting, keen Causing a sharp pain e.g. Biting pain on tongue. Cutting, sarcastic e.g. Biting remark. The biting or gripping part of something.

Cross reference:

Idiocy; bite desire to Rage; biting with

53Biting nails


Often the habit is picked up when one examines the nails of the patient. It can be a useful indicator of a nervous temperament. A clue from this must be taken and the interviewed guided accordingly.

54Black & Somber Thing Aversion to.


Strong dislike to everything that is black and dark colored (or dull and gloomy.) Habitual dislike to everything that is black and dark colored, dull, dull-colored, gloomy.

Cross reference:

Color; aversion Fear; black Fear; darkness Light; desire for

55Blindness Pretended


To make oneself appear to be blind or to be blind in order to deceive others or in play

Cross reference:

Delusions; blind
Feigning; sick

56Blood Can Not Look at or A Knife


The rubric depicts remedies which are oversensitive to the sight of blood & Knives. The oversensitivity must be morbid enough to produce mental or physical symptom} s on the sight of blood/knives.

Cross reference:

Fear blood
Thoughts; frightful, seeing blood or a knife
Suicidal; seeing; blood or a knife
Unconsciousness; blood


Courageous and daring not hesitating in the face of actual or possible dangers or rebuff. Confident and brave

Cross reference:


58Break Things Desire To

Strong wish to divide or reduce things into pieces or fragments.


This rubric must be usually used synonymously with “Destructiveness.” In fact, all the remedies listed under Break, things desire to are included under “Destructiveness” exceptions being Lyss & Sang.

Cross reference:

Sits; breaks pins
Tears things


To think for a long time about things such as a failure or disappointment.
This phenomenon is usually limited to thinking about something disagreeable or unpleasant.


Where person thinks of past disappointment or unpleasant failure or event. It implies an emotional state to which the person clings to long after an unpleasant incidence has taken place, unable to ‘let go’; ‘holding on.’

Cross reference:

“Anxiety, Sadness”.
Dwells on past unpleasant events
Cares; full of
Grief; silent
Sit, inclination to; corner, in
Sits; wrapp


One who amuses others by tricks, jokes, odd gestures, and postures etc. Ridiculous but amusing person.

Cross reference:

Foolish behavior

61Business Averse To

Dislike or unwillingness for occupation / profession A habitual dislike, unwillingness towards business. Business means the state of being busily engaged; activity; application, industry; diligent labor.

Cross reference:

Ailments from; business
Indifference; business affairs, to


Having much to do, occupied with other things. Full of activity. Actively or attentively engaged in work.


Having much to do, occupy with something, full of activity. Here, person is engaged in activity because he has continuously large amount of work to be finished.

Cross reference:

Mania to work
Occupation >
Diverting mind amel and thinking complaints <
Activity desire
Delirium; busy
Rest; cannot
Restlessness; busy
Work; desires


Free from excitement or passion, tranquil, quiet, motionless,
placid, peaceful, serene.
Free from disturbance.

Cross reference:

Quiet disposition

64Calumniate Desire To

False statement about somebody made to damage their reputation. Slander To make false and malicious statement.

Cross reference:



Showing sudden changes in attitude or behaviour with no obvious cause. Sudden unpredictable change of one’s mind. Tend to change mind without apparent, adequate motive. Suggest motivation by sudden whim or fancy and stress, unpredictability.

Cross reference:

Desires; more than she needs
Desires many things impatiently, dislikes its favourite playthings, child
Mood; changeable
Mood; alternating
Persists; nothing in
Undertakes; many things, pers


Cautions in one’s actions. Taking pains in one’s work. Performed with accuracy or caution.

Cross reference:

Conscientious about trifles
Rest; cannot, when things are not in proper place


Not paying enough attention to what one does.
Not exact or thorough.
Not caring / troubling.
Not bothered about avoiding harm or mistakes; inattentive. See

Cross reference:


68Cares (Full of)

Full of concern, worry, anxiety, serious attention, distress, caution, attention, responsibilities.

Cross reference:



Picking at imaginary objects. Carried Desire to Be Strong wish / mental disposition to be carried, wants support of someone. In a state of being transported.

Cross reference:

Quieted, cannot be; carried, only by being
Irritability; rocking, fast amel
Restlessness; children; carried about, amel. being
Weeping; children; in; carried and held when; amel.


Characterized by alertness and prudence in a hazardous situation, care and wariness. Extremely careful, taking security measures.

Cross reference:

Fear; happen

71Censorious, Critical

To express disapproval or fault Tending to find faults in people or things. Disapproving of something, expressing faults or defects; faultfinding; disapproving; condemnatory; reproachful.

Cross reference:

Conscientious; trifles, about
Contradict; disposition to
Reproaches; others


A feeling of embarrassment or annoyance because one has failed or been disappointed. Mortification


For all practical purpose, it must be used synonymously with mortification.

Cross reference:

Ailments from; honor, wounded
Ailments from; love, disappointed
Ailments from; mortification
Ailments from; reproach
Ailments from; scorn

73Changeable Mood

Likely or tending to change mental disposition or behaviour. Variable state of mind. It refers to a swing in moods or change in the moods i.e. from cheerful to sad or serious.

Cross reference:

Mood; changeable
Persist; nothing in nothing
Undertakes; many things, perseveres in nothing


State of being completely confused or disordered condition.


This will be a state which the physician will have to conclude after having a bird’s eye view of the patient’s behaviour. Sometimes the patient will also describe one’s own behaviour.

Cross reference:


75Chases Imaginary Objects

To follow, to run after, to pursue. Fanciful / visionary- nonexistent objects as with a purpose to catch it or achieve it.

Cross reference:

Gestures; grasping

76Cheerful, Gay, Happy

Joyous, lively, merry, happy, lighthearted. Implies a steady display of bright spirits. Lively, short, joyful. Steady display of bright spirits, optimism Noticeably happy or optimistic, pleasant. One needs to consider this rubric as a symptom

Cross reference:


77Childish Behaviour

Immaturity, foolishness, silly behaviour.


This is a very broad rubric and contains several remedies, to make a choice of the right remedy one must know which specific aspect(s) of the patient is immature or foolish. Each remedy has a specific aspect of its childishness.

Cross reference:

Antics, plays
Foolish behaviour
Jesting; ridiculous
Laughing, childish

78Children Aversion To

Intense /definite dislike towards children.

Cross reference:

Aversion to family members

79Circumspection Lack Of

Lack of carefulness to consider all related circumstances before acting, judging or deciding.

Cross reference:



Alleged ability to perceive / seeing objects or events that are not in sight or that can’t be seen.


Power to see things not normally perceptible; seen what is happening or exists out of sight.

Cross reference:

Death; presentiment of
Dreams; clairvoyant
Dreams; events not taken place
Dreams; visionary
Fear; happen

81Clinging to Person or Furniture

Adhere closely as if glued, hold too strongly with emotional attachment to person or furniture. To remain attached, close. (i.e.)

Cross reference:

Holding or being held

82Closing Eyes Ameliorates

Feels better by closing eyes.

83Cloudiness, confusion

Dull or not clear To show sadness, worry or anger In a depressed or troubled state of mind Gloomy and troubled

Cross reference:


84Colour Aversion to Red, Yellow, Green, Black

Strong dislike or unwillingness to colours red, yellow, green, black

Cross reference:

Sensitive, oversensitive; colors

85Company Desire For

Strong wish to have fellowship or companionship Strong wish to be with people, society

Cross reference:

Anxiety; alone
Cheerfulness; company
Fear; alone
Irritability; alone
Sadness; alone
Weeping; alone


Express annoyance, displeasure, dissatisfaction. To feel deep sorrow express it by weeping or wailing (long, loud cries), mourn. To feel or express regret over. Express annoyance, displeasure, & dissatisfaction.


Everyone complains at some or the other time, hence this becomes of clinical importance only when it is done repeated & intensely. It is then a dispositional mechanism to deal with a particular situation.

Cross reference:

Pities; herself
Torments; everyone with her complaints

87Comprehension Difficult

Difficult act of grasping with mind Difficult understanding for ideas, etc.

Cross reference:


88Concentration Active

Capability of functioning with closed, fixed attention


In this case it is important to understand that the intensity of concentration is more than compared to children of his mental age.

Cross reference:

Memory; active
Quick to act
Thoughts; profound
Thoughts; rapid
Thoughts; thoughtful

89Confidence Want of Self

To be deficient or lacking in one’s own ability or one’s own powers.

Cross reference:

Ailments from; anticipation
Delusions; appreciated, that she is not
Delusions; criticized, that she is
Delusions; deserted
Delusions; fail everything will


Telling someone about secret or private matters in confidence. Trustful, suspiciousness. Inclined to trust easily, unsuspectful.


Throw into confusion or disorder To mix up indiscriminately; lack of good judgment; to get confused

Cross reference:


92Confusion of Mind

Unclear, to fail to distinguish between, jumbled unclear or indistinct to fail to distinguish a state of being not clear in one’s mind because of lack of understanding jumbled

Cross reference:

Concentration; difficult
Memory; weakness
Senses, confused
Thinking, difficult.

93Conscientious About Trifle

Person’s awareness of right and wrong with regard to her own thought or actions Strong sense of what is right or wrong Scrupulous (careful not to do wrong) Showing care, precision.

Cross reference:

Rest cannot
Trifles, important
Delusions; duty; neglected his
Delusions; wrong
Sensitive, oversensitive; trifles

94Consolation Aggravates

A mental disposition where the mental or physical symptoms aggravate with the action of consoling; alleviation of sorrow or mental distress; the state of being consoled. Consolation also means comfort, solace, sympathy, compassion, pity, commiseratio

Cross reference:

Ailments from; sympathy
Anger; caressing
Anger; consoled
Irritability; consolation agg.
Pities herself
Rage; consolation
Weeping; caressing
Weeping; consolation; agg


A person who considers surrounding worthless, inferior and has dislike, disgust over them. Lack of respect or willful disobedience.


This behaviour should be considered important only if it is recurrent, persistent way of dealing with situations. It will be brought to notice by the relatives or sometimes by the patient. Only exceptionally seen in the clinic.

Cross reference:

Scorn ailments from
Laughing, contemptuous
Smiling sardonic


Feeling satisfaction with one’s status of situations, not wanting more, happy. Optimistic, joyous and lively; happy

Cross reference:



Angry disagreement or dispute, argue for a point.

Cross reference:


98Contradict Disposition To

Opposite or a denial of To be contrary to something or to give opposite information To say that something a person has done is wrong and that the opposite is true

Cross reference:


99Contradiction Is Intolerant of: -

A mental disposition of not having the capacity to tolerate an act of opposition to the statement or fact, which is already made; deny a statement made by (a person); affirm the contrary of a statement.

Cross reference:

Ailments from contradiction
Anger; contradiction from
Kill, desire to; person that contradicts her
Weeping contradiction from.


Opposite in nature Being opposite to or in conflict with each other Unwilling to accept control or advice

Cross reference:

Contradict, disposition to

101Conversation Aggravates

Feel worse by interchange of thought, information, oral communication, talk Oral exchange of sentiments, observations, opinions, or ideas make him feel worse.

Cross reference:

Confusion; conversation, agg.
Sensitive, oversensitive; noise, to, voices



This rubric appears in Kent repertory where he gives a Cross reference: -- travel desire to hence for homoeopathic usage the dictionary meaning remains invalid

Cross reference:


103Counting Continually

Tending to count all the time, carry on counting.


Implies firmness of mind or the will in the face of danger or extreme difficulty or fear; brave Fearless with firmness Characterized by quality of mind or spirit that enables one to face difficulty, danger, pain etc. Brave.

Cross reference:

Deeds; feels like he could do great


Inordinate desire often for other’s possessions

Cross reference:



Failure to stand up for principle Lack of courage to face danger, difficulty, opposition, etc.

Cross reference:

Escape attempts to, run away to
Frightened easily
Fear; men
Fear; people

107Crawling On Floor

Move in prone position with body near ground Progress slowly

Cross reference:

Insanity; crawls


Mentally deranged, insane Very foolish, not sensible It means of unsound mind or mad. Deranged state of mind usually occurring as a specific disorder

Cross reference:

Delusion, insane
Dreams, crazy
Work; seems to drive him crazy


Inclined of find fault or to judge with severity often too readily Inclined to look for and find out faults and defects

Cross reference:

Reproaches others.
Censorious .
Conscientious; trifles .
Fastidious .
Rest; cannot, when things are not in proper place


To talk despondingly Grumble (to mutter in discontent) To utter low, hoarse, dismal cry as a frog.

Cross reference:



Indifferent to sufferings Willful or knowingly causing pain, distress. Enjoys distress of others, ruthless.

Cross reference:

Moral feeling wants of
Wicked disposition
Sensitive - want of sensitiveness.
Cut others, desire to
Joy, misfortune of others.


To use offensive word to address someone especially wishing evil against someone. It needs to be differentiated from abusive. Obscene word especially used in anger / for emphasis (r) Rude/ offensive words, phrase used to express violent anger.

Cross reference:

Slander, disposition to
Despair rage, bordering on cursing and imprecations, with.
Discouraged; cursing with

113Cut Others Desire To

A mental disposition craving to inflict cuts, wounds to others.

Cross reference:



Disposition to dance A mental disposition to dance; move/sway to music, execute dance steps, twirl, pirouette; shake a leg.

115Darkness Aggravation

Where complaints are worsened by darkness

Cross reference:

Fear of darkness Anxiety; dark Delirium; dark, in Light; desires Longing for; sunshine, light and society Sadness; darkness, from Weeping, darkness, in

116Deafness Pretended

To make a belief or falsely performing to be deficient or lacking in sense of hearing. A mental disposition to fake, pretend, make believe or play to be deaf; unwilling to hear or pay attention to; unresponsive, incompliant.

117Deafness Pretended

To make a belief or falsely performing to be deficient or lacking in sense of hearing. A mental disposition to fake, pretend, make believe or play to be deaf; unwilling to hear or pay attention to; unresponsive, incompliant.


The key is firstly to identify that the patient is faking the symptom. This itself can at times take a while before the physician recognizes the disposition of the patient. The second step is to identify the underlying psychological reason as to why

Cross reference:

Feigning Delusions; deaf

118Death Desire

Strong wish to die Usual a symptom of Depression.

Cross reference:

Loathing of life Weary of life Ennui Killed; wants to be Suicidal Weary; life


Intentional perversion of truth for purpose of misleading Fraud or cheat

Cross reference:

Untruthful Lie: means to tell untruth, dishonesty Never speaks truth Hypocrisy Slander, disposition to

120Deeds Feels as If He Could Do Great

A mental disposition where a person thinks that he could do a brave, skillful, or conspicuous act; a feat.

Cross reference:

Delusions; creative power Fancies; exaltation of Plans; making many Plans; gigantic Theorizing


Daring or bold resistance to authority A challenge to authority Disposition to resist

Cross reference:

Contradict; disposition to Fight; wants to Insolent Obstinate Pertinacity Positiveness Presumptuous Quarrelsomeness Disobedience. Contrary.


Lowness of sprits It is not a separate rubric. Affected with grief or unhappiness.

Cross reference:

Sadness Despair Grief Inconsolable Sighing Weeping


State of violent, intense emotions. Mental disturbance characterized by confusion, Disordered speech and hallucinations It is a disordered state of mind where there is disturbance of functions of brain characterized by incoherent speech, hal

Cross reference:

Delusions Ecstasy Gestures Grimaces Muttering

124Delusions, Imaginations, Hallucinations, Illusions

False belief /opinion resistant to reason with regard to actual facts. A false impression, a fixed belief which is not matching with a generally accepted reality; mental illness; false impression; false belief; misconception; misapprehension;

Cross reference:

Fancies Vision; illusions Hearing: Illusions Smell: Odor, imagination


Delusions; friend; affection of, has lost the Delusions; alone, feels Delusions; deserted Delusions; enemy, everyone is Delusions; repudiated Estranged Forsaken Forsaken feeling; friendless, feels Helplessness


Too long or hope for To express a wish for Strength of feeling and often implies strong intentions or aim for something Longing, craving

Cross reference:

Longing for,


To lose all hope or confidence

Cross reference:

Hopeless despondency Sadness Gloomy Discouraged Helplessness Grief Suicidal; despair from Weeping, despair from Anxiety; hypochondriacal Delusions; disease Doubtful; recovery Inconsolable Morose


To look down upon someone

Cross reference:

Contemptuous Mocking Haughty Laughter; contemptuous Ridicule; mania to Rudeness


Feeling or showing extreme discouragement, depression Deep dejection arising from a conviction of the uselessness of further effort

Cross reference:



Having tendency to destroy or to ruin the structure or condition of

Cross reference:

Mischievous Break Cut Pull Push Tears Violent


As person who insist that people do what he or she wants. A ruler who has total power over people

Cross reference:

Dogmatic Contradiction, intolerant of Power, love of Suggestions, will not receive Answers; dictatorial Censorious Fanaticism Positiveness Reproaches; others


Uncontrollable craving for alcohol Alcoholism, specifically in a form characterized by intermittent bouts of craving for alcohol.

Cross reference:

Alcoholism, dipsomania


To cause discomfort or distress. Peevish, offensive, marked by ill temper Unpleasant manner or nature

Cross reference:

Irritable Disappointed Discernment, lack of Discipline Discomfort

134Discontented, Displeased, Dissatisfied

Not satisfied with one’s status or situation Restless aspiration for improvement Uneasy in mind Restlessly unhappy; wanting something more or different.

Cross reference:

Complaining Sulky Unfriendly humor. Disgust Irritability Morose


Unsettled, upset, confused - the patient gives an impression of being disturbed and upset. Upsets the progress or action of; spoil plans for, defeat expectations; disturb the self-possession of; ruffle, fluster.

Cross reference:

Chaotic Confusion of mind Confounding objects & ideas Mistakes


Deprive of courage or confidence or hope. Disheartened Demoralized Dispirit Break one’s heart

Cross reference:

Despair Helplessness Confidence; lack of self Sadness


Strong aversion aroused by something highly distasteful Loathing, repugnance or aversion

Cross reference:

Discontented Ennui Thoughts; disgusting


Refusing or failing to obey; neglectful or not observant of what is laid down as a command or duty; refractory, rebellious; insubordinate.

Cross reference:

Contrary Obstinate Defiant Pertinacity


Be disagreeable to; offend, annoy; make indignant or angry.

Cross reference:



Not satisfied; displeased; left with a feeling of dissatisfaction by the deficiency or inadequacy of something.

Cross reference:

Discontented Complaining Irritability Morose

141Distance Inaccurate Judgment Of

Cross reference:

Delusions; smaller; things, appear Delusions; enlarged; distances Size; incorrect


To confuse with conflicting emotions or motives To disturb greatly in mind. Having attention diverted

Cross reference:

Confusion, Disconcerted Concentration, difficult Thoughts, vanishing. Thoughts, wandering Absent-mindedness Ideas; deficient Unobserving


Lack of trust or confidence in Disposed to suspect- questionable To have doubts To have no confidence or belief in somebody

Cross reference:

Suspicious Jealousy

144Disturbed Aversion to Being

Strong dislike to be interfered with Strong dislike to break up tranquility or calmness of

Cross reference:

Distraction Intolerance, interruption Irritability, disturbed Quarrelsome; disturbed Quiet wants to be Talk indisposed to Ideas; deficiency of, when interrupted Thoughts; vanishing, when interrupted Touched; aversion to being

145Diversion Ameliorates

Act or an instance of distracting the attention from a course or Activity. Something that diverts the mind from preoccupation or boredom; a pleasant mental distraction; an amusement, an entertainment, a pastime.

Cross reference:

Occupation amel


An opinion, a belief; authoritatively laid down; an arrogant declaration of opinion. Insisting that one’s belief are right and that other should accept them without paying attention to evidence or to other’s opinions

Cross reference:

Change averse to Dictatorial Obstinate Pertinacity Prejudices, traditional Censorious Contrary Contradict; disposition to


Rule arbitrarily or despotically. Behaving in forceful way without considering the wishes, opinions, or feeling of others.

Cross reference:


148Doubtful Recovery Of

Uncertain outcome of recovery Doubtful is a feeling of uncertainty; an inclination to disbelieve or hesitate; a reason to disbelieve or hesitate, a reservation.

Cross reference:

Despair recovery Anxiety; hypochondriacal Delusions; disease


Great fear in the face of impending will Intense reluctance to face a situation suggest aversion and anxiety.

Cross reference:

Fear Aversion

150Dream as If in a

State of mind in which the things happening around one do not seem real It is an altered state of consciousness in which the person is not completely receptive to his immediate surroundings and seems to be in his own world

Cross reference:

Unconsciousness, coma trance as in a Trance Absent-mindedness; dreamy Confusion; dream as if in a Fancies, absorbed in Sits, wrapped up in thoughts Unreal everything seems Confounding Day – dreaming Forgetful Introspection Meditation Th

151Drinking Mental Symptoms After

Complaints which come on after drinking alcohol Such a state could arise in Hydrophobia.

Cross reference:

Ailments from; drinking


Driving Drug addiction Drunkenness

153Drunken Seem as If

Denotes an altered state of sensorium which usually occurs in neuralgic disorders and resembles to someone who is under the influence of alcohol.

Cross reference:


154Dullness, Sluggishness, Difficulty of Thinking and Comprehending

Lack or loss of keenness Mentally slow Lacking in sharpness, inability to receive clear impression, slow understanding, stupid Slow mentally and physically. Lacking sensitivity, blunted in feeling perceptions.


Lack of interest or excitement, Hence, sluggishness is given under dullness. The other meaning for dullness is having a difficulty in thinking. Hence the terms comprehension difficult and thinking difficult are also given under dullness.

Cross reference:

Concentration difficult Slowness Indolent Confusion Ennui Senses, dullness of


Acting in two different ways concerning the same matter with intend to deceive; double dealing.

Cross reference:


156Dwells On Past Disagreeable Events


Constantly thinking at length about a specific event or subject. This rubric is specific where the person dwells on past unpleasant events as against brooding where the person may be thinking about any subject, not necessarily of the past.

Cross reference:

Brooding Cares; full of Complaining; offenses long past Delusions; images, dwells Delusions; troubles Grief Inconsolable Indignation Thoughts; persistent Thoughts; tormenting, past


Intense and serious mental state Having a purpose and being steadily and soberly eager in pursuing something.

Cross reference:

Serious Dyslexia Earnestness Eating Eats more than she should

158Eat Refuse To

A mental disposition or unwillingness where a person does not like to eat.

Cross reference:

Anorexia mentalis Stomach, appetite, wanting Generalities; Food; food in general; aversion Since they r particulars should they be included (I think I am a little of a different opinion which is as follows: Since the rubric is in the mind, it s


Deviation from recognized or customary character of practice in a peculiar way Deviation from an established pattern or form Odd or whimsical behaviour


The quality or habit of deviating from what is usual or customary; oddity, whimsicality; an instance of strange, unusual. ‘Eccentricity’ is the mannerism, which is deviant from usual customary practice, whereas the rubric Ideas, exaggerated indicate

Cross reference:

Cheerfulness, gaiety, mirth, happiness, eccentric Ideas, exaggerated Affectation Extravagance Exhilaration


It denotes extreme emotional exaltation esp. intense delight, happiness, joy that overpowers the sense or takes into a trance-like state.

Cross reference:

Exhilaration Blissful Cheerfulness. Loquacity, ecstatic. Excitement Sentimental Trance


The “I” of a person; self-importance Persons as thinking, feeling & willing, distinguishing itself from the selves of others Limited in outlook and concerned with one’s own activities and needs


The practice of continually talking about oneself; self-admiration; self-love; egomania; egocentricity; narcissism; self-conceit; conceit; vanity; pride; arrogance; self-esteem and self-importance.

Cross reference:

Haughty Contemptuous Loquacity, self-satisfied Talk, pleasure in his own. Avarice Impatience; talk much, on hearing others Selfishness


To make uncomfortably self-conscious, cause confusion and shame to


Cause to feel awkward or self – conscious. See “Timidity”. The sub - rubric embarrassed ailments after. It means person’s complaints arising due to embarrassment.

Cross reference:


163Embraces Companions

Disposition to hold or does encircling with the arms as a sign of affection.


To be objectively noticed.

Cross reference:

Kisses Affectionate


Dominated by or prone to any of the feeling like joy, sorrow, fear, love. hate. etc.

Cross reference:



It is a state where person has lost interest in pleasurable as well as daily routine, a state of boredom. Disturbed or irritated especially by repeated events or from satiety or lack of interest.


It needs to be differentiated from loathing life and weary of life.

Cross reference:

Loathing of Life. Weary of life Dullness Mental exertion agg Time, fritters away Work aversion to mental Disgust Ideas; deficiency of Indifference Thinking aversion to Wearisome


To provide something interesting or enjoyable, amusing It is the action of occupying attention in things which afford interest or amusement. See “Excitement, Occupation”.

Cross reference:

Excitement Going out, aversion to Occupation


Feeling of discontent with ill will at seeing another’s superiority, advantages or success To feel spiteful and unhappy because someone else has achieved what one wishes to have Resentfully suspicious of a rival.

Cross reference:

Jealousy Selfishness Avarice Sadness; happy on seeing others

168Escape Attempts

Making effort to get away.


A mental or emotional distraction from the realities of life; an attempt to escape from the situation of life.

Cross reference:

Home, leave Impulse run to Jumping; bed out of Travel, desire to Runs about Fear; escape

169Estranged Family from Her

Indifference or hostility with consequent separation from the family To turn away in feelings or affections with family members To feel as a stranger in one’s own family i.e. A sense of detachment or absence of usual affections.

Cross reference:

Children; aversion to Aversion; husband Aversion; family members Aversion; parents Aversion; wife Children; flies from his own Delusions; affection of friends Delusions; alone Delusions; deserted Delusions; friendless Escapes Fors


Excessively intensified sense of wellbeing, power of importance State of extreme spiritual happiness To elevate or rise up, in honor or estimation.

Cross reference:

Exhilaration Eccentricity

171 Excitement, Excitable

Instigate, incite, move, stir up feeling; provoke, challenge feeling; a motive, an incentive, an exhortation to do something that tends to produce a specified feeling. Something that rouses emotional response To have higher energy level.


More than a narration, this is a state that should be observed by us

Cross reference:

Cheerfulness High-spirited Jesting Restlessness Vivacious Ailments from; anticipation Ailments from; excitement Amusement; desire for Giggling Laughing Playful


A sharp or sudden utterance (statement or speech) Vehement expression of complain


The action of exclaiming; a sudden impassioned or emphatic utterance, a cry. See “Shrieking”.

Cross reference:


173Exercise Mental Symptoms Ameliorated By Physical

Pt’s mental condition is better by physical exercise.

Cross reference:

Exertion; physical amel. Exhaustion, mental Exhibitionism

174Exertion Aggravated from Mental

Pt’s condition is worsened from mental laborious efforts or mental strain or stress.

Cross reference:

Mental exertion


Being cheerful or merry; delight; brighten; excite; thrill; raise in spirit. Extremely happy, liveliness. Very exciting.

Cross reference:

Cheerfulness Ecstasy Excitement Vivacious Eccentricity Jesting Mirth


Excessive out play of money Spending much more than necessary Going beyond reasonable or proper limits in conduct or speech.


“Extravagant” means spending unreasonable money on a particular object. Lacking a restraint in spending resources or money, going out of bounds or limits; a purchase or payment difficult to justify except as a whim or indulgence; the quality of b

Cross reference:

Gestures extravagant, Speech extravagant, Fear of extravagance, Squanders money Spending money foolishly Laughing; extravagant


Inappropriate joking or jesting.


Denotes an attempt to be witty or humorous that is unsuccessful because it is inappropriate or in bad taste.

Cross reference:

Jesting Witty

178Faces Sees

Cross reference:

Imagines faces Del. faces


Intense excessive enthusiasm about something esp. religious and political matters.


Excessive and mistaken enthusiasm especially in religious matters. It could also be regarding any other matter or belief. Thus different from religious affections.

Cross reference:

Anarchist Fanaticism Religious affections, fanaticism Superstitious Ardent Extravagance Impetuous

180Fancies Absorbed In

A supposition with no solid basis; an arbitrary notion; to conceive or portray an imagination. Think of something which does not exist. To engage wholly in imaginations To think of something which does not exist.

Cross reference:

Air castles Delusions, fancy Ideas Thoughts Absorbed


Exacting or particular Hard to please Having high and often capricious (impulsive) standards Demanding or showing excessive care.


Very attentive to accuracy, detail and about matters of cleanliness. It has to be differentiated from the rubric. “Rest cannot when things are not at proper place.”

Cross reference:

Rest cannot when things are not at proper place. For explanation see the specific rubric


To find deficiency, lack, imperfection or mistakes. See “Censorious”.

Cross reference:

Censorious Dictatorial Fastidious Reproaches, others Conscientious; trifles Rest; cannot, when things are not in proper place


It is an emotion of extreme uneasiness caused by impending danger, pain or harm; be afraid of (a person, thing, or anticipated event); hesitate to do; shrink from doing; be apprehensive.

Cross reference:

Anxiety A/f fear Fright Fearlessness Superstitious

184Feces Passed On the Floor

Waste matter or discharge from the bowels passed on the floor.

185Feigning Sick

To make a false show of sickness To pretend to be sick Assume sick Simulate sickness Avoid duty by false pretenses, shirk; be reluctant to do; make a show of, simulate, pretend to sickness.

Cross reference:

Affectation Blindness; pretended Delusions; sick he is


Likely to change, not constant, inconstant. Lack of constancy or stability or firmness Changing, not faithful or loyal in affection Suggests unreliability because of perverse changeability and incapacity for steadfastness (firmly fixed)

Cross reference:

Inconstant Irresolute Capricious Persists in nothing Undertakes many things, persists in nothing Mood; changeable


Restless, impatient, uneasy, To move or act restlessly or nervously


In certain neurological problems choreiform movements will make the patient appear fidgety.

Cross reference:

Restlessness Explanation: Impatience Wonder, desire to

188Fight Wants To

Inclined to fight Involved in fight especially physical fight


The predominance of acute or syphilitic remedies in the rubric.

Cross reference:

Quarrelsome See contention Contradict disposition to Contrary

189 Fire Wants to Set Things On

Mental disposition to put things on fire or throw things into fire regardless of value.

Cross reference:

Delusions; fire


Characterized by fits or paroxysms Lacking steadiness or regularity in movement. Implies intermittence, a succession of starts and stops or rising and fallings.

Cross reference:

Spasmodic Usually refers to intermittent contraction of the muscles. Convulsive Suggest breaking of regularity or quiet by uncontrolled movement. Violent involuntary contraction of the muscles

191Fixed Notions

Mental disposition to be fixed in ideas, concepts or theories.

Cross reference:


192Flattery Desires

Strong wish to be praised excessively especially from motives of self-interest which may be insincere.

Cross reference:

Delusions; appreciated, is not Delusions; criticized, feels Delusions; deserted, feels Delusions; neglected, he is Lamenting; appreciated, is not Longing for good opinion of others

193Foolish Behaviour

Behaviour which is Lacking in sense / judgment Lacking in forethought or caution Lack of common sense or good judgment or sometimes weakness of mind Silly, stupid, senseless

Cross reference:

Childish behaviour As above Answers foolish Antics, play Cheerfulness, foolish Childish Gestures, ridiculous Jesting Ridiculous or foolish Laughing, immoderate-silly Loquacity foolish

194Foppish, Elegant, Dandy

Explanation: this rubric is related with one’s appearance. Here a person pays excessive attention to his appearance, his dress, his behaviour.


In vanity, there is false show associated. The person covers up her face with make-up, to look attractive. This rubric is taken in those females, who are seen always in front of mirror, admiring themselves, and constantly doing make-up. Vanity has mo

Cross reference:


195 Forebodings

Strong inner certainty of future misfortune, evil etc. presentiment. To predict Announce beforehand, predict especially something evil

Cross reference:

Anxiety, future Anticipation Fear; future Fear; happen something will Death presentiment of Sadness Clairvoyance


Inclined or liable to forget; heedless, neglectful, unmindful, inattentive, memory weakness. Characterized by negligent failure to remember Unable to recall, fail to recall


Tendency to let things slip from the mind, mainly used in relation to day to day activities.

Cross reference:

Memory weakness of As above in absent minded Unobserving Absent- mindedness Absorbed Abstraction Confusion of mind Dream as if in a Fancies; absorbed in Heedless Senses, confused

197Forsakes His Own Children

A person who leaves his own children without intending to return


The remedies are lyco and sec cor. In lyco the desire to leave his children is out of an unwillingness to take up responsibilities of the child whereas sec cor - a deeply syphilitic remedy destroys the very motherly instincts to produce children (ken

Cross reference:

Forsakes relations Children; aversion to Escape; family, from her Estranged

198Forgotten Something Feels asIf He Had

Indicates a feeling where the person is aware of having forgotten something but unable to clearly remember what that thing is

199 Forsaken Feeling

A feeling of being deserted, abandoned, left alone.


here a person feels that everybody has left him, and no one is near him, especially when he needs them. The meaning becomes clearer if we read the Cross references: Delusion alone Delusion alone – always Delusion alone – castaway Delusion frien

Cross reference:

Forsaken feeling, isolation Del. family does not belong to her own Estranged Helplessness Weeping; goes off alone and weeps as if he had no friends

200Frantic, Frenzy

Wild with excitement, fear, pain etc. Mentally deranged, emotionally out of control Hurried and excited but not well organized usually because of the need to act quickly

Cross reference:

Rage Insanity Mania


To feel or express annoyance, discontentment To become unhappy, bad tempered about something, irritable

Cross reference:

Irritable As anger???? (don’t understand the question, elaborate)

202Fright Complaints From

Tendency to have complaints from sudden and extreme fear, sudden terror. Something strange or shocking

Cross reference:

Ailments from; fright

203Frightened Easily

Tend to shock with sudden fear but usually short lived


Here the person gets scared or afraid by the slightest cause. It needs to be differentiated from startled easily.

Cross reference:

Startled easily Cowardice Fear Senses, acute Sensitive, oversensitive; noise to; slightest Timidity


Lack of seriousness or sense Lacking seriousness or sense; silly; not having any serious purpose or value, carefree and superficial behaviour. Idle, silly, foolish, childish

Cross reference:

Childish Foolish Gestures, ridiculous Laughing, constant Laughing; immoderately Laughing; serious matters at Laughing; silly Laughing; trifles Smiling, foolish Mirth; foolish Antics; plays

205Frown Disposed To

To look displeased, disapproval, which is expressed by contracting the brow. Face, wrinkled forehead

Cross reference:

Face; wrinkled; forehead

206Fur Wraps Up in Summer

Like to be covered with or have clothing of fur in summer Need to explain where this rubric can be used in context to mental state. (Don’t really know how one can interpret it as a part of mental state. As far as I understand the remedies under thes


Intense, disordered and often destructive rage Unrestrained or violent anger, passion, rage or like


Violent unrestrained fierce anger approaching madness; passion; wild anger. See “Rage”.

Cross reference:

Rage See anger


Quality or state of being kind, free from harshness or violence, esp. mildness of manners or disposition Disposition of behaviour or voluntary kindness in dealing with others

Cross reference:

Mildness Benevolence Anxiety, others Quiet disposition

209Gestures make

Use of motions of the limbs or body that expresses or emphasizes an idea, sentiments or attitude Employment of bodily movements, attitudes or looks as a means of giving effect to what is being spoken.

Cross reference:

Affectation gestures & acts in Attitudes assumes strange Grimaces Antics, plays


To laugh with repeated short catches of the breath Laugh lightly in nervous or silly way Laugh lightly in a silly manner; give small bursts of half- suppressed laughter; uncontrollable amusement.

Cross reference:



Lacking in hopefulness Feeling of sadness and depression State of melancholy, low spirits

Cross reference:

Sadness Melancholy

212Happy news agg

Feeling of great pleasure, contentment. Characterized by pleasure, contentment or joy


This symptom includes remedies who fall ill when they experience Joy or happiness.

Cross reference:

Ailments from; joy Ailments from; surprises Weeping, joy, from


Unfeeling, cruel Incapable of being moved to pity or tenderness; unfeeling or unmerciful. It is given under the rubric “Cruelty”.

Cross reference:

Cruelty Moral feeling wants of Sensitive, want of Unfeeling Wicked Mischievous


Hurriedness; precipitancy; suddenness; rashness. Quick, hurried, speedy, urgency See “Hurry”.


Above two rubrics are always same (Hurry, hastiness and haste are always the same)???????

Cross reference:

Hurry Abrupt Answers; hastily Excitement; hurried, as if Impatience Impetuous Impulsive Quick to act Rashness Time; seems to pass; quickly Time; seems to pass; slowly


Strong dislike or ill will - aversion or great dislike Intense dislike or extreme aversion or hostility Bitterness, grudge Animosity


A person who hates or distrusts all people Aversion Religious affections, horror of opposite sex Delusions; women are evil Envy

Cross reference:

Malicious Misanthropy


High in one's own estimation; arrogantly superior / high in one’s estimation. Arrogant contemptuous Showing the belief that one is superior to others, proud

Cross reference:

Affectation Contemptuous Egotism Importance feels his, pompous Presumptuous Vanity Censorious Indifference; company in Reproaches; others


Determined not to follow orders, advices etc. But to do as one pleases; self-willed

Cross reference:

Obstinate Stubborn


Paying no attention, careless or regardless. Thoughtless Careless Unmindful Without paying attention to something.

Cross reference:

Chaotic Indifference Loquacity; heedless Rashness Sensitiveness want of Unobserving Fearlessness Impulsive Indiscretion Inquisitive Reveals; secrets


Not able to help oneself; weak feeling Incompetent, ineffective or powerless. Unable to defend oneself. Want of strength or ability to obtain relief in trouble or to accomplish desires

Cross reference:

Despair Discouraged Shrieking, help for Confidence; lack of self Forsaken feeling Inconsolable

220Hide desire to

Strong wish to keep out of sight or conceal from the knowledge of others Conceal in order to shield or protect; desire to conceal oneself.

Cross reference:

Escape Run Timidity

221Hides the things

Mental disposition to keep things from knowledge or observation of others; keeping secrets,

222High places aggravates

Feel worse from being at a high place

Cross reference:

Fear high places Suicidal Jumping

223High spirited

A state of being in highly lively, animated; vigorous, energetic mood; the quality of being high spirited, liveliness.

Cross reference:

Audacity Courageous Elated Exhilarated Vivacious


Noisy merriment, very funny. High excitement of pleasurable feelings Cheerful, mirthful

Cross reference:


225Home desire to go

Strong wish to go home

Cross reference:

Fear; home, away from Homesickness


Unhappy or depressed at being away from home and family; longing for home. Ill or depressed from longing for home Depressed state of mind and body caused by longing for home when away from it.

Cross reference:

A/f homesickness Ennui homesickness Suicidal homesickness Sentimental

227Honour effects of wounded

Complaints rising from hurt pride or wounded self-respect. Complaints brought on by an attack to the honor or injury to pride. Honor is the feeling of pride due to the respect conferred to a person.

Cross reference:

Ailments from; embarrassment Ailments from; humor Ailments from; indignation, mortification Ailments from; reproach Ailments from; scorn


A feeling that what is wanted will happen Positiveness Optimistic or confident esp. in the correctness of one’s opinions or conclusions Definite, clear, precise, sure

Cross reference:



Having no expectation of or showing no sign of a favorable outcome. Having or feeling no hope; despairing; feeling of despair. See “Sadness, Despair”

Cross reference:

Sadness See dejection Despair See despair Despair, recovery Despair, religious Doubtful recovery Helplessness feeling of Inconsolable Pessimist Doubtful; soul’s welfare Suicidal; thoughts

230Horrible things sad stories affect her profoundly

Very deep or intense affection from unpleasant, ugly, terrible things. Exciting, or likely to excite, horror; repulsive, hideous, shocking, frightful, unpleasant stories affect her intensely, deeply into emotions.

Cross reference:

Anguish horrible things after hearing Anxieties cruelty, after hearing of Excitement horrible things hearing Sadness, stories, from sad Impressionable, susceptible Sensitive cruelties Talking unpleasant agg. Delusions; horrible Fear; cruelti


Strong feeling caused by something frightful or shocking Painful emotion compounded of fear

Cross reference:

Anxiety Refer explanation under Anxiety???????? Fear See dread Anguish


To utter long, loud, wailing cry (of wolves, dog etc.) Of pain, anger, grief etc. Lamenting

Cross reference:

Barking Growling Lamenting Shrieking


The quality that makes something seem funny, amusing.

Cross reference:



Expressing humor Having or showing a sense of humor i.e. causing amusement. See “Jesting, Mirth”.

Cross reference:

Cheerfulness Jesting Mirth Thoughts, humorous Witty. Playful


See hastiness

Cross reference:

Answers hastily Impatience Impetuous Impulsive Quick to act Times seems to pass slowly Activity Busy

236Husband aversion to

Strong dislike for husband

Cross reference:

Aversion husband


Abnormal fear of water Extreme or irrational fear of water. There is another rubric fear – of water. More or less both the rubrics have similar drugs. Also hydrophobia is mainly a symptom of rabies whereas fear - of water is a more general rubr

Cross reference:

Fear of water Rage, shining objects Water sight of ???????## Sensitive, noise to, water splashing Shining objects agg.

238Hypochondriacal humor

Abnormal anxiety over one’s health often with imaginary illness and severe melancholy Sadness (see dejection) Explain the rubric hypochondriacal humor and not just hypochondriasis which is a cross ref.

Cross reference:

Anxiety health about, hypochondriacal Hypochondriasis Morose Sadness hypochondriacal


Pretending to be what one is not or to feel what one does not feel. The practice of falsely presenting an appearance of virtue or falsely professing a belief to which one's own character or conduct does not conform.

Cross reference:

Deceitful Liar Slander, disposition to


Any outbreak of wild, uncontrolled excitement of feeling such as fits of laughing and crying. A syndrome (formerly regarded as a disease peculiar to women) whose symptoms include shallow volatile emotions, overdramatic behaviour, susceptibilit

Cross reference:

Anxiety hysterical Cheerfulness, hysterical Laughing hysterical Delirium; hysterical

241Ideas abundant clearness of mind

Ideas plentiful with clearness of mind i.e. not confused.?? Senses acute, Acuteness Concentration active

Cross reference:

Fancies; vivid, lively Thoughts; clearness of profound Thoughts; rapid Activity Plans; many Theorizing Witty


State of being deficient or retarded; person mentally equal or inferior to a child of two years’ old Behave like a great fool or stupid. A person deficient mentally, so as to be incapable of rational conduct or ordinary reasoning; extremely low

Cross reference:

Foolish behaviour Imbecility Laughing, idiotic Cretinism


Those whose mental handicap does not amount to idiocy but who are incapable of managing their own affairs, it thus represents a less severe degree of mental impairment than idiocy.

Cross reference:

Idiocy Laughing, imbecility Memory weakness, imbecility Mischievous; imbecility


Annoyance because of delay, opposition etc. Restless eagerness to do something. Restlessly eager, intolerance of delay.

Cross reference:

Hurry Restless (See fidgety) Impetuous Irritability, questioned Quick to act Restlessness, walking Abrupt Answers; abruptly Answers; hastily


Arrogant, haughty

Cross reference:

Dictatorial Haughty


Importance, feels Imposing Impressionable, susceptible only in sheet Improvident


Presumptuous, rude or harsh in manner, uncivilized behaviour which is inappropriate or out of place Characterized by insolent rudeness. Irrelevance or inappropriateness.

Cross reference:

Insolent See abusive Rudeness


Forceful and violence of movement or action Sudden or rash action, emotion etc. Person who is impulsive and abrupt.

Cross reference:

Rashness Violence Impulsive Answers abruptly-hastily Hurry Impatience Quick to act Anger


Lacking in discretion (wisdom or wise in action or speech). Not showing care for the consequences of action. Indiscretions

Cross reference:

Audacity Heedless Insolence Indiscretion Rashness Unobserving

250Impulse to destroy himself

Sudden strong urge or desire to destroy himself.

Cross reference:

Suicide Action of killing oneself intentionally


Sudden or involuntary inclination to act, without premeditation; unplanned, unpremeditated, thoughtless, rash, reckless. Actuated (to go into action) by involuntary or emotional impulse Tending to act suddenly without considering the consequences

Cross reference:

Abrupt Impetuous Quick to act Rashness Talk, abrupt Answer; abruptly Answer; hastily Hurry Impatience Thoughts; rapid

252Inciting others

Action that encourages aggressive or violent behaviour of others Provoking To stimulate or instigate others; provoke, prompt others.

Cross reference:



That who cannot be comforted A person not able to be comforted or consoled.

Cross reference:

Consolation agg Despair Grief Helplessness, feeling of Sadness Weeping consolation agg.


Frequently changing, variable behaviour. Persevere in nothing Absence of steady continued efforts to achieve something, lack of persistence Persists in nothing incapacity for steadiness and an inherent tendency to change not constant, change

Cross reference:

Capriciousness Mood, changeable Persists in nothing Undertakes many things, perseveres in nothing Irresolution

255Indifference apathy

Absence of active feeling for or against especially absence of care or concern for, or interest in, a person or thing; unconcern, apathy; lack of interest or emotion; dispassion.

Cross reference:

Asks for nothing Aversion everything to Dullness Ennui Torpor


Anger aroused by something unjust, unworthy or mean Strong displeasure at something unjust, unworthy or mean Treating with indignity; an indignity; anger excited by a sense of wrong, or by injustice, wickedness, or misconduct; righteous anger

Cross reference:

Mortification anger Sensitive rudeness Discontented Hatred Honest Injustice, cannot support Rage


Circumspection lack of

Cross reference:

Gossiping Heedless Indifference; others, about lot of Inquisitive Loquacity Rashness Reveals secrets


The inclination to avoid exertion or trouble; love of ease, laziness; idleness. Wanting to avoid physical activity or exertion, lazy.

Cross reference:

Business aversion to Irresolution, indolence with Loathing, general, business his Time fritters away Work aversion to mental Slowness Ambition; loss of Mental exertion; agg Fear, work Indifference; work


Showing application, endeavor, or effort; painstaking, zealous, attentive. Diligent and hard - working. Working hard Working energetically and devotedly.


We have patients who have been only ordinarily industrious that develop an insanity for work and it seems they have ability in that insane industry to work almost night and day; they are up early and stay up late. It is a sick state. So when we

Cross reference:

Activity desire for Busy Occupation, amel. Work desires, mental Exertion; amel. Mental exertion; amel Irritability; idle, while


The quality or state of being cruel Cruelty Lacking positive human qualities, cruel. (See “Cruelty”.)

Cross reference:


261Injure fears to be left alone lest he should himself

The rubric predominantly includes the impulsive trend of remedies therefore, one can understand the propensity of these remedies to lose self-control - act on an impulse to kill or injure or harm oneself. A mental disposition to be afraid of b

Cross reference:

Suicide, fear alone and of being injured himself. Impulse; stab his flesh, to Jumping Mutilate his body


Inclined to ask question esp. inordinately or improperly curious about the affairs of others Desirous of inquiring; of an inquiring turn of mind; intellectually curious; unduly curious about the affairs of others.

Cross reference:

Asks questions, many Indiscretion Touch things impelled to Impetuous Rashness


An unsound state of mind, extremely foolish or irrational behaviour.

Cross reference:

Delusion insane Mania Rage Violence Wildness Delirium tremens Delusions; confusion Idiocy Monomania Ridicule; mania to


Incapable of feeling and sensation Lacking delicacy or refinement Lacking in emotional response Unresponsive of the feeling

Cross reference:

Stupefaction Unconsciousness Torpor


Disrespectful or insulting. Showing disrespect towards senior by a junior or towards elders. Boldly rude or disrespectful


Disrespectful, insulting. This is more applicable where there is disrespect shown towards a senior or towards elders.

Cross reference:

Rudeness Contemptuous Impertinence Abusive Haughty Reverence lack of


Lack of steadiness or fixity of purpose or character

Cross reference:

Capricious Inconstancy Irresolution Mood changeable Persists in nothing Undertakes many things, perseveres in nothing


Integrity sensation of Intellect impaired Intellectual Interruption Intolerance


Overpowering excitement of mind or emotions under the influence of alcohol or drug. To lose control of faculties or senses, like that due to poisoning or under the influence of alcohol or a drug.


Observation or examination of one’s own mental or emotional state, mental process etc.-act of looking within oneself- tendency to do this. The examination of one’s own thoughts or feelings, action of looking within or into one’s own mind. Med

Cross reference:

Absorbed Brooding Dwells Meditation Talks himself to Introverted Sits; meditates Sits; wrapped in deep, sad thoughts Thoughts; thoughtful


Easily prone to anger. Quarrelsome (See abusive)

Cross reference:

Anger Censorious Contrary Contradict; disposition to Fight; wants to Irritability Quarrelsomeness Reproaches; others Sensitive, oversensitive

271Irksome everything is

Tending to be weary, irritated or bored. Tedious

Cross reference:

Ennui Weary of life


Condition of not having arrived at a settled opinion on some subject Doubtful or undecided, infirm of purpose. Feeling or showing uncertainty, hesitating Uncertain how to act or proceed

Cross reference:

Antagonism Capricious Confusion identity Inconstancy Mood, changeable Thoughts, two trains. Will, two. Confidence; want of self Discouraged; irresolution Doubtful Fear; undertaking anything Postponing Timidity


Readily excited to anger or impatience; easily annoyed.Quality or state of being easily angered by slightest provocation.

Cross reference:

Anger Contradict disposed to Quarrelsomeness Sulky Unfriendly Contrary Discontented Discouraged; irritability Sensitive

274Isolation sensation of

Sensation of separation from other things or persons. Forsaken Standing alone especially far from others,separate, single Having little contact with other people. Solitary.


Anacardium – mentioned in rubric ‘isolation sensation of’ and not mentioned in forsaken feeling in synthetic, where he feels that he is isolated from the world. (T. F. Allen)

Cross reference:

Company desire for Estranged Forsaken


The consuming fear, suspicion, or belief that one is being or might be displaced in someone's affections; distrust of the fidelity of a spouse or lover To watch or guard one’s possessions.


One can observe an unhealthy competitive streak in such patients. Always get into one-upmanship kind of game. They see the other human as a threat to their existence and in order to survive they must compete at any cost.

Cross reference:

A/f jealousy Del. wife faithless is Envy Quarrelsomeness, jealousy Selfishness Delirium; jealousy from Suspicious


A saying intended to excite laughter; a mocking or jeering speech; speak or act in a joking manner, intended to excite laughter. A thing said or done to cause amusement.

Cross reference:

Amusement Laughing Loquacity, jesting with Play desire to, playful Teasing Vivacious Cheerfulness High – spirited Mirth Pleasure Witty

277Joy a/f excessive

Complaints arising from excessive instance of pleasure or delight or gladness Ailments arising from excessive instance of gladness, delight; pleasure, joy.

Cross reference:

Cheerfulness Exhilaration Laughing


Without joy or gladness, unhappy, cheerless Gloomy

Cross reference:

Indifference joy to


Full of joy Showing or expressing joy as looks, actions, speech etc. State of pleasure due to well-being or satisfaction

Cross reference:


280Jumping bed, out of

Throws oneself upward, backward or downward from a bare leap (to spring free from ground) with both feet.

Cross reference:

Escape; springs Restlessness; bed

281Jumping, impulse to

Give explanation of rubric (See my reason under ‘Biting, nails.’)

Cross reference:

Suicidal; drowning, by Suicidal; throwing himself from; height Suicidal; throwing himself from; windows


Strikes out with the foot, express anger or dislike strongly.

Cross reference:


283Kill desire to

Strong wish to put to death, cause his own death or to be deprived of his life.


In patients without obvious psychopathology, one will never find this desire at a conscious level or even in their actions. But this rubric becomes applicable in such cases when one finds these homicidal urges in a modified manner. These can then be

Cross reference:

Anger stabbed Jealousy, kill Rage, kill Thoughts, persistent, homicide Fear, killing Threatening, kill


Kissed wants to be only in sheet Kisses everyone An expression of affection, greeting or reverence towards every one.

Cross reference:

Amativeness Amorous disposition Lascivious Affectionate Insanity; erotic Lewdness Shameless


Compulsive wish to steal without regard for need or profit


If such a peculiar and distinct symptom is found in a patient, one must not forget to assess the patient for a psychopathology.

286Kneeling and praying

See the rubric Praying; kneeling and


Lamenting, bemoaning, wailing Passionate expression of grief almost as if mourning a person’s death.

Cross reference:

Begging Complaining Discontented Moaning Sighing Torments everyone with his complaints Weeping Howling Muttering Shrieking


It is derived from the word lascivious which means lust. Thus lascivious is an excessive sexual desire which is expressed by crude and offensive behaviour. Feeling, expressing or causing sexual desire.

Cross reference:

Lewdness Amorous Shameless Nymphomaniacs Amativeness Company; aversion, solitude fond of, masturbation, to practice Delirium, erotic Fancies; lascivious Hysteria; lascivious Insanity; erotic Libertinism Pleasure; voluptuous Singing,


Instinctive expressions of lively amusement; instinctive expression of happiness. To show joy with smile or explosive sound To find amusement or pleasure in something To make the sound and movement of the body that expresses amusement or happ


This is usually a phenomenon that must be observed by the physician. Also it is important that the behaviour is observed repeatedly and also out of place of the situation.

Cross reference:

A/f laughing Cheerfulness Joy Smiling Anger; laughing Delirium; laughing Cheerfulness


Lewdness in an offensive behaviour is a sexual manner.

Cross reference:

Fancies lascivious Libertinism Naked wants to be Shameless Indifference, exposure of her person Insanity, erotic Kisses Nymphomania Pleasure; voluptuous Roving about; naked Singing; obscene Wicked


Free thinker esp. in religious matter Unrestrained uncontrolled Person who lives unrestrained, sexually immoral life Free thinking regarding religious matter and sex, conduct or practice in perverted manner or live without restraint.

Cross reference:

Lasciviousness Lewdness

292Light desire for

A desire for the illumination proceeding from the sun; daylight, daytime.

Cross reference:

Anxiety; dark Darkness agg. Fear; dark Longing; sunshine, light and society, for Sadness; darkness Weeping; dark; in


Characterized by lack of interest, energy or spirit No inclination towards anything Lacking energy or enthusiasm

Cross reference:



Full of life, movement or incident. alertness or energy Animated, vivacious gay

Cross reference:

cheerfulness excitement exhilaration jesting mirth vivacious Amusement Fancies High – spirited Laughing Restlessness Witty


Loathing for life is an extreme aversion for life. Extreme disgust or intolerance or hateful for life

Cross reference:

Disgust Hatred Misanthropy Discontented; everything, with Ennui Malicious Thoughts; disgusting

296Locality errors of

Mistakes in identifying surrounding of a particular place.

Cross reference:



Quality or state of being cut off from others Forsaken

Cross reference:

Company desires, alone while agg Delusion; friends Estranged; family Talk, desires to, someone. Anxiety; alone Delusions; friendless Fear; alone Forsaken

298Longing for things which are rejected when offered

An intense craving or desire for things which he himself refuses to accept when offered Capriciousness

Cross reference:

Desires Capriciousness

299Looked at cannot bear to be

This rubric has remedies which have exquisite sensitivity to human contact, even to be approached hence this rubric can be used as cross ref of ‘misanthropy’ or ‘disturbed aversion to being’ or ‘fear of being approached’

Cross reference:

Delusion; watched Fear; looked at Fear; observed, of her condition being Hide desire to Laughing; look at Morose; looked at, being Timidity; bashful Weeping; looked at


Disposed to talk much or freely. Power of expressing oneself fluently. Talkativeness. A person is in habit of constantly talking sometimes on irrational subjects. Readiness to enjoy in talk or disposition to enjoy conversation.

Cross reference:

Inquisitive Jealousy; loquacity Reveals, secrets Talk, desires to Loquacity prattling. Exhilaration Indiscretion

301Love ailment from disappointed

Ailment which arise from disappointment of love or disappointed affection.


This rubric includes remedies with deep attachments or which have relationship problems. It should be used in a broader sense than just for romantic relationship.

Cross reference:

Ailments from; love, disappointed

302Low – minded

Having or showing a low, coarse or vulgar mind Inclined to think low or unworthy things. Dull-minded; not inclined to think in a specified way; not interested in or enthusiastic about a specified thing. Repulsive Tending to reject

Cross reference:

Cowardice Mood; repulsive

303Low spirits

Dejection Sadness

Cross reference:


304Ludicrous things seem

Things seem amusing or laughable, ridiculous, comical. Absurd, ridiculous.


The patient feels that everything is absurd and ridiculous and laughs even at important subjects.

Cross reference:

Delusions; ludicrous Foolish behavior Laughing; ludicrous everything seems

305Magnetized desire to be

Magnetized means to attract, charm someone in almost hypnotic way, thus the rubric desire to be Magnetized means that the patient wants or likes to be charmed (hypnotized) by another person.

Cross reference:

Generalities; magnetism amel.


Desire to cause harm to somebody mainly with a strong or unreasonable desire for revenge. Hence it is inclusive of the terms revengeful and vindictive. Deep seated often unexplainable desire to see another’s sufferings mainly as a form of revenge.

Cross reference:

Hatred Jealousy, Revenge desires to take Jesting, malicious Joy, misfortune of others Play; dirty tricks on others. Cruelty Insanity; malicious Misanthropy Mischievous Moral feeling; want of Rage; mischievous Unfeeling

307Mania madness

Excitement manifested by mental and physical hyperactivity, disorganization of behaviour and elevation of mood Excessive or unreasonable enthusiasm Mental derangement characterized by great excitement or elation, extravagant delusions, and over


A typical manic behaviour is an expression of a deeper psychopathology. One must give importance to the disease before evaluating the importance of this symptom in a case.

Cross reference:

Insanity, Rage Religious affections, mania. Delirium Delusions Jumping, bed

308Mania – a - potu

Addiction to alcohol Alcoholism

Cross reference:

Delirium tremens

309Mankind aversion to

mannish, habit of

310Manual work, fine work ailments from

Work done with the hands, engaged in labor Involving physical and mental effort in support of productivity of fine work.

Cross reference:

Ailments from; work; manual

311Marriage the idea of seemed unendurable

The idea of marriage seems intolerant.

Cross reference:

Fear; marriage Irresolution; marry Religious; horror of the opposite sex


Mathematics Mean


To interest oneself in what is not one’s concern. To involve oneself in a matter without right or invitation

Cross reference:

Gossiping Insolence Inquisitive Indiscretion Audacity Heedless Impulsive Presumptuous Rashness Unobserving


It is extended or continuous thought about a particular matter especially on religious matters. To think deeply. To engage in thought. Continued or extended thought. Absorbed Introspection


These rubrics could be useful for people who have an ability to develop periods of very intense concentration. Also useful in people who have an ability to think deeply into a matter.

Cross reference:

Absorbed Brooding Dwells Introspection Reflecting Sits, meditates wrapped Thought; thoughtful


Deep and long lasting sadness. Tending to get depression or sadness of mind or spirit that lasts for a long time

Cross reference:

Despair Grief Sadness

316Memory active

Faculty by which things are remembered; having very sharp memory

Cross reference:

Concentration; active Fancies; vivid Ideas; abundant Plans; many Quick to act Theorizing Thoughts, profound Thoughts, rapid Thoughts, thoughtful Witty

317Memory weak


Memory is the faculty by which things are remembered. Hence here the capacity of retaining things is diminished.

Cross reference:

Forgetful Concentration; difficult Dementia Dullness Fancies; confused Forgotten something Ideas deficiency of Mistakes Recognize; does not; relatives, his Thoughts; vanishing

318Men dread of

Extreme fear or apprehension of men or human being.

319Mental effort inability to sustain

Inability to hold mental exertion or striving from failing or giving way.?????? (Don’t understand your query) Prostration of mind Exhaustion of mind

Cross reference:

Concentration, difficult Dullness Mental exertion, agg Prostration of mind Thinking aversion Confusion Ennui Ideas, deficiency of Slowness Stupefaction Unobserving

320Mental exertion

Mental symptoms alternating with Mesmerized being Causing one to become transfixed and unaware of one’s surrounding, hypnotic.

Cross reference:

Magnetized Mesmerize others, desire to


Gentle and calm. Soft, easy to work; not easily provoked. Suggests absence of harshness or severity because of natural character or temperament than conscious choice

Cross reference:

Affectionate Servile Sympathetic Yielding, disposition Benevolence Quiet; disposition Tranquility

322Mirth, hilarity, liveliness

Mirth is amusement giving rise to laughter; rejoicing; merrymaking; jollity, gaiety. Joyfulness or merriment esp. when characterized by laughter.

Cross reference:

Cheerful Laughing


Hatred for mankind. Hatred or distrust of all people Disgust for all people.

Cross reference:

Company aversion to Repulsive mood Unfriendly humor Unsympathetic Cruelty Hatred Indifference; welfare of others Malicious Mischievous Moral affections; want of moral feeling Suspiciousness; enemy, considering everybody his Suspiciousn


Irresponsibly playful. Playful behaviour or trouble making or teasing. Having harmful effects or results. Having harmful influence or intent.


A mischievous child is one who will always stir up trouble in a given situation, and will cause harm to others. The behaviour is slightly bad but not serious. It is a playful behaviour.

Cross reference:

Malicious, spiteful, vindictive Disobedience Joy, misfortune of others Moral affections, want of moral feeling Wicked. Deceitful Destructiveness, cunning Insanity; malicious Rage; mischievous


Miserly Quality of collecting wealth and spending very little, stingy.

Cross reference:

Avarice Desires, more than she needs Selfishness Anxiety; business Delusions; fortune, that he is going to lose his Delusions; money Delusions; poor Delusions; ruined Delusions; starve Delusions; thieves Delusions; wealth Fear; povert

326Mistakes in calculating

An error or fault in action or thought while calculating.

Cross reference:

Confusion Confounding, objects and ideas Concentration, difficult Forgetfulness Memory, weakness of Unobserving Mathematics; inapt for Slowness; calculating, in




Alter or make a low, long sound expressing suffering.

Cross reference:

Lamenting Complaining Delirium; moaning Discontented Discouraged; moaning Sighing Torments; everyone with his complaints


It means to tease or ridicule someone by way of imitation. To treat with dislike or disrespect or ridiculously; to laugh at some body in unkind way which makes somebody seem ridiculous Making fun of someone or something.


One will have to skillfully elicit this symptom as it may not be obviously said by the patient.

Cross reference:

Contemptuous Insolent Jesting, malicious Laughing; contemptuous, mocking Ridicule, mania to Haughty Rudeness


Mental illness esp. when limited in expression to one idea or area of thought Excessive concentration on single idea or thought or object. Insanity or exaggerated concentration on one subject only. Talks nothing but one subject.

Cross reference:

Ideas, fixed Thoughts, persistent

331Mood agreeable

Agreeable frame or state of mind.

Cross reference:


332Mood changeable

Cross reference:

Capriciousness Inconstancy Instability Irresolution

333Moonlight mental symptoms from

Mental symptoms/sentiments effected from Moonlight.

Cross reference:

A/f, moon, moonlight, in Ecstasy; night, walking in moonlight Sentimental, moonlight

334Moral feeling wants of

Want of qualities; habits of life with regard to right and wrong conduct; lack of distinction between right and wrong or good and evil. Inability to distinguish between right and wrong feeling; want of good and bad.

Cross reference:

Cruelty Duty; want of sense of Godless Indifference; conscience, to the dictates of Religious affections Slander Unfeeling Unsympathetic Wicked disposition


Having a sullen (silent, ill-humored and a refusal to be sociable) and gloomy (silent dispiritedness) disposition An element of bitterness and misanthropy is seen

Cross reference:

Discontented, everything Repulsive, mood Unfriendly Irritability

336Mortification ailments after

It is a state where person feels embarrassed, ashamed or humiliated and it is subdued by self -denial or discipline. Sense of humiliation (to reduce one in one’s own eyes or other’s eyes) and shame caused by something that wounds one’s pride or self


Synonym of mortification is degradation.

Cross reference:

Anger Indignation Vexation


Change of posture, a visible bodily movement.

Cross reference:

Gestures Mouth instead of hands, desire to use

338Murder desire to

Strong wish for unlawful killing of a human being with previous planning. Kill

Cross reference:

Kill Violence


Music aversion to Habitual strong dislike to music

Cross reference:

Sensitive; oversensitive; music

340Mutilating his body

Mental disposition to cut off permanently; destroy parts of body Inflicting self-injury.

Cross reference:

Cut Self-torture Tears Torments himself


Tendency to utter sounds or words indistinctly or with a low voice and with lips partly closed. To murmur complainingly or angrily.

Cross reference:

Complaining Delirium; murmuring Delirium; muttering Discontented Lamenting Moaning Talk; himself to Unconsciousness; murmuring

342Naked wants to be

Strong wish to be unclothed, not covered or protected by clothing. Desire to be unclothed, stripped to the skin, not covered or protected by clothing; indifference exposure.


Usually indicative of gross psychopathology.

Cross reference:

Fancies lascivious Indifference, exposure Lascivious Lewdness Roving, about naked Shameless Delirium; erotic Hysteria; lascivious

343Narrating her symptoms aggravates

Pt’s condition worsens from giving or explaining her symptoms.

Cross reference:

Conversation agg Weeping, telling of her illness Thinking; ailments, complaints of

344New object seems

Everything seems new. Object seems not existing before; now made or existing for the first time.

Cross reference:

Delusions; new everything is

345Noise aversion to

Strong dislike to any loud or harsh sound of any kind. Dislike of any loud or harsh sound of any kind.

Cross reference:

Sensitive noise to Sensitive-noise to means affected easily by slightest noise or aware of slightest noise due to increased sensitivity. Starting

346Noise aversion to

Strong dislike to any loud or harsh sound of any kind. Dislike of any loud or harsh sound of any kind.

Cross reference:

Sensitive noise to Sensitive-noise to means affected easily by slightest noise or aware of slightest noise due to increased sensitivity. Starting


Uncontrollable or excessive sexual desire in a woman. Thus it is specific in females whereas the terms lascivious, lewdness and amorous are applicable to both sexes.

Cross reference:

Adulterous Delirium; erotic Fancies; lascivious Hysteria; lascivious Insanity; erotic Lascivious Lewdness Libertinism Naked; wants to be Pleasure; voluptuous Satyriasis Shameless Thoughts; intrude, sexual Thoughts; tormenting; sexual


Offensive to one’s feeling or to prevailing notions Disgusting, repulsive Offensive to modesty and decency; indecent.

Cross reference:



Not yielding to agreements or persuasion; inflexible. Fixed and unyielding – stubborn Unreasonable persistence Refusing to change one’s opinion or decisions in spite of reasons or arguments. Firmly adheres to one’s purpose

Cross reference:

Defiant Disobedience Shrieking, obstinate Contrary Contradiction; intolerant of Fanaticism Positiveness Sulky

350Occupation ameliorates

Complains are relieved when engaged in some work. Same as “diversion of mind amel.” thinking of complaints agg. i.e. means people’s complaints are better or relieved when working or on doing some activity.

Cross reference:

Activity; desire for Amusement; desire for Anxiety; motion amel. Busy Ennui; entertainment amel. Excitement; amel. Industrious Work; desire for

351Offended easily

Feels upset, insulted or hurt easily Feels annoyed or unpleasant by somebody or something. Quality or state of being hurt easily, feelings wounded easily.

Cross reference:

A/f admonition A/f indignation A/f mortification A/f reproaches Hatred, bitter feelings for slight offenses Hatred, persons of, offended him who had Indignation Irritability, takes everything in bad part Sulky Delusions; accused Delusions;

352Oversensitive sensitive

Affected easily Easily disturbed by actions of others; touchy

Cross reference:

Sensitive pain, intolerant painting, inapt panic attacks paranoia partial, prejudice passionate pathetic patience peace, sensation of heavenly pedant peevish perception perfectionist perplexity perseverance persistency

353Persists in nothings

Doesn’t continue a single activity for a long time, perseveres in nothing.

Cross reference:

Undertakes many things, perseveres in nothing Delusions; fail, everything wil


Holding firmly to an opinion Persistent or stubborn in holding to one’s opinion. Fixed ideas.


Patients with this trait will show an unusual ability to persist with things they have taken up. One can often find them pursuing the task in spite of adversities.

Cross reference:

Obstinate Pertinacity


Bad tempered esp. because one cannot do or have what one wants. Displaying impatience or irritability.


The opposite of ‘Petulant’ is ‘easygoing.’

Cross reference:

Discontented Irritability Morose Offended easily Sulky Unfriendly, humor Capriciousness


Hard to rouse to action. Sluggish, dull, apathetic. Calm, cool, stolid. Indifference or listlessness. Not easily disconcerted or aroused.

Cross reference:

Indolence Temperament, phlegmatic Indifference


Cross reference:

Grasping or reaching at something.

358Piety nocturnal

Showing deep respect for god and religion every night Deviation to religious duties and practices Habitual obedience to god.

Cross reference:

Praying, nights

359Pities herself

Feels sorrow for sufferings and troubles of her own self These are people who feel themselves to be victims in a situation and keep feeling sorry for themselves.

Cross reference:

Weeping, children, in pities herself Weeping, pities herself


Cross reference:


361Plans - making many

To make plans or hopes or wishful thinking to achieve something To project a course of action


One can call them day-dreamers who never put efforts to realize their dreams.

Cross reference:

Air castles Theorizing Fancies; exaltation of Ideas; abundant


Full of fun Done in fun not serious.


This becomes a symptom when the behaviour is inappropriate to the age, and the situation.

Cross reference:

Gestures, plays


State or feeling of being happy and satisfied. Delighted, Satisfaction


The physician must consider the intensity of the emotion experienced with respect to the situation.

Cross reference:

Amusement Cheerfulness Exhilaration Vivacious Jesting


Confident in opinion, firm, optimistic without doubt.

Cross reference:

Courageous Dogmatic Pertinacity Audacity Contrary Contradict; disposition to Disobedience Obstinate

365Power love of

Strong liking for inherent ability or admitted right to rule, govern and determine To have desire, lust, want of control or authority over others; dominance; government, command; personal, social, or political influence or ascendancy; dictatori

Cross reference:

Anger, contradiction Contemptuous Contradiction, intolerant of Egotism Haughty Censorious Delusions; better Delusions; distinguished Delusions; great person Delusions; humility and lowness of others, while he is great Delusions; prince


Cross reference:

Flattery; desires


To worship god as by reciting certain set formulas Requesting to god or superior authority. To devote or make humble supplication to God; solemn request or thanks giving to God.


This behaviour becomes a symptom when it is done excessively with respect to the situation and more importantly one has to consider the socio-cultural background of the patient.

Cross reference:

Religious Pious, devout. Delirium tremens; praying


Having developed particular abilities at an earlier age than usual. Premature development Ahead, far ahead, early maturity, forward, ahead of one's peers, gifted, brilliant, ultra-bright, quick, smart, adult-like.


It will be important from the viewpoint of grading the symptom in case to understand in which sphere is the Precocity seen – for e.g. Emotional, Psychomotor, spiritual etc.


Busy with something so that one is unable to think about or deal with anything else. Not paying attention to something because one is thinking or worrying about something else. Occupied or engaged in thought.

Cross reference:

Absence of mind Absorbed


Too bold or confident. Taking too much for granted. Overconfidence, arrogance. Characterized by or showing presumption or readiness to presume in conduct or thought. Unwarrantedly or impertinently bold or forward.

Cross reference:

Audacity Contradict disposition to Defiant Haughty Contemptuous Contrary Insolent Meddlesome Rudeness


Too high opinion of oneself or one’s achievements Sense of one’s own dignity or worth


To say what will happen in future. To predict

Cross reference:

Clairvoyance Death, presentiment of Fear happen


Great exhaustion.

Cross reference:

Dullness Mental exertion, agg Senses dullness Slowness Torpor Thinking aversion to Stupefaction Unconsciousness

374Pull desire to pull one’s hair

Strong wish to pull one’s hair. Inclination, derive pleasure, satisfaction from pulling one’s hair.

Cross reference:

Tears; hair, her


Having the tendency to quarrel or fight with people. Easily irritated and provoked to fight.

Cross reference:

Contradict, disposition to Defiant Fight wants to Insolence Reproaches, others. Abusive Anger Censorious Harshness Intolerance Irritability Mocking; sarcasm Rudeness

376Question speaks continually in

Speaks continually in inquiring with expression of some doubts. Inquiring; expression of some doubt speaks continually in.

377Quick to act

Moving fast or doing something in short time Active, alert. Hastiness, hurry

Cross reference:

Thoughts rapid Hurry Impatience Impetuous Rashness Abrupt Answers; abruptly Answers; hastily Impulsive Time; passes too slowly

378Quiet disposition

Tendency or inclination to not being easily excited or disturbed. Peaceful and relaxing Calmness, stillness, inactivity - freedom from noises etc. Being free from external disturbance and agitation, mental peace; not easily affected.


This means that the patient is not easily disturbed and remains calm and unruffled even in adverse circumstances.

Cross reference:

Answer; aversion to Asks; nothing, for Contented; quiet Reserved Secretive Spoken to; averse to being Talk; indisposed to Tranquility

379Quieted cannot be

Quietude, stillness sensation of, when sits still

380Rage, fury

Violent uncontrollable anger expressed with great force and violence. A furious uncontrolled anger. A brief spell of fury.


One of the root words of rage is ‘rabia’ which means madness.

Cross reference:

Anger, violent Break things desire to Destructiveness Gestures, furious Tears things Violence Wildness Delirium; raging, raving Fight, wants to Insanity Laughing, rage Mania; rage Mania; wild Quarrelsomeness


Acting or an act done without careful consideration of possible results Acting too hastily Acting without reflection.


Person acts without bothering about consequences, and behaviour is vigorous or harsh. Here there is a disregard of any danger involved.

Cross reference:

Heedless Hurry Impatience Impetuous Impulses morbid, rash Impulsive Quick to act. Abrupt Audacity Indiscretion Thoughts; rapid

382Reading averse to

Strong dislike or opposition or unwillingness to read. A mental attitude of opposition; a habitual dislike; antipathy, unwillingness to read.

383Recognize does not his relatives

Recognize is to perceive or identify something which is seen before. This rubric means that the patient knowingly or unknowingly does not identify his relatives and behaves as if he is stranger.

Cross reference:

Strange; everything seems

384Refuses things asked for

Pt rejects even in blunt term the things asked for.

Cross reference:

Capriciousness Repulsive mood Rejects everything offered to him Relaxed feeling, letting go

385Religious affections

Believing firmly in a religion and paying great attention to its practices. Faith in a particular religion and constant adherence to it.


This symptom must be used in a case only after giving a thorough consideration to the socio-cultural background of the patient. In very strict religions like Islam, Jainism, Bahaifatih it is common to find people to be more religious than an average

Cross reference:

Anxiety, salvation Despair- religious Despair- salvation Doubtful- soul’s welfare Praying Superstitious Delirium; religious Delusions; religious Eccentricity; religious Excitement; religious Fear; devil Fear; evil Fear; faith to lo


A deep torturing sense of guilt felt over a wrong that one has done Self-reproach A feeling of deep regret or repentance for a sin or wrong committed.


Remorse has a shade of sorrow associated with the sense of having done something wrong or sinful.

Cross reference:

Anger mistakes, over his Anxiety conscience Delusion, crime Delusion, neglected duty his Anguish Delirium; blames himself Delusions; reproach Delusions; right, does nothing Delusions; wrong, he has done Discontented; himself, with Repro


To accuse and blame oneself or others for Fault so as to feel ashamed or disgraced upon. To blame either self or others for a wrong committed.


Reproaches means to hold someone else or one’s own self responsible for something unacceptable that has happened.

Cross reference:

Reproaches others Ailments from; admonition Ailments from; anger; indignation, with Ailments from; reproaches

388Repulsive mood

Strong dislike, distrust or aversion. Disgusting, offensive mood. Mood where person repels or rejects everything.

Cross reference:

Mood; repulsive


To feel or show displeasures and hurt or indignation at a person or a remark or an act, from sense of being injured or offended. Brooding over an injury and ill will towards the offender (who caused displeasure by wounding his or her feelings).

Cross reference:

Ailments from honor wounded Hatred Indignation Malicious Mortification Brooding Dwells Envy Inconsolable Jealousy Thoughts; persistent; evil, of


To practice keeping one’s thoughts, feelings, etc. to oneself, self -restraint or aloofness in speech and manner. Not free or frank Restrained from freedom in words or actions. Talk indisposed to Unwilling or disinclined to talk. Secretive Not

Cross reference:

Asks; nothing for Company aversion to Quiet disposition Secretive Talk indisposed to Introspection Timidity


Having or showing a fixed, firm purpose. Determined, unwavering. Determined, having a fixed resolve; Firmness. Faithful

Cross reference:

Obstinate Pertinacity

392Rest cannot when things aren’t in proper place.

Cross reference:

Fastidious Conscientious about trifles Restlessness Thoughts; persistent Trifles


Uneasy in mind or spirits, unable to relax. Lacking or denying rest, uneasy Continuously moving, unquiet Showing inability to remain at rest


In case of children restlessness is often overused. One must consider a child restless only if the restless behaviour interferes with their concentration.

Cross reference:

Activity restless Anguish; driving from place to place Impatience Wander desire to Delirium restlessness Excitement Fear; driving him from place to place

394Reveals secrets

To make known/ disclose/ to expose/ to view things which are to be concealed from knowledge of others. Discloses or make known of facts which are not supposed to be revealed.

Cross reference:

Gossiping Indiscretion Inquisitive Heedless


To retaliate


Here the patient has the tendency to hurt or harm another in return for wrong or injuries suffered.

Cross reference:

Hatred Joy, misfortune of others Malicious Moral affections, want of moral feeling Plans revengeful Unfeeling Wicked Jesting; malicious Misanthropy Mischievous Rage; mischievous Thoughts; persistent; evil

396Reverence for those around him

A feeling or attitude of deep respect, love for all those around him. Here the patient shows respect and affection to a point of worship for others.

Cross reference:

Respect Veneration

397Ridicule mania to

Making fun of something or someone but not necessarily with ill will or hostility Mocking

Cross reference:

Contemptuous Jesting Mocking Unfriendly humor

398Ridiculous actions

Actions excite amusement or contempt. Gestures

Cross reference:

Foolish behaviour Gestures makes

399Riding in a carriage averse to

Strong dislike to do journey or trip in a carriage.

Cross reference:

Anxiety, riding Confusion, riding Fear riding

400Rocking amelioration

Complaints feel better by moving or swaying back and forth from side to side esp. in a cradle with gentle quieting manner. Swaying or oscillating to and fro.

Cross reference:

Carried, desire to be Irritability; rocking fast amel.

401Rocks desire to feel and crawl behind.

Rolling on the floor To move or turn on the floor. To turn over and over as to move forward on a surface. This is usually seen in children when they throw tantrums.

Cross reference:

Delirium; rolls


Roving about naked To wander around, to roam around naked. Action of wandering or roaming around naked.

Cross reference:

Wander desire Naked


“Being offensively impolite or ill - mannered towards everyone in general, insulting. Showing no respect or consideration Impolite Rough in manner or behavior.

Cross reference:

Abrupt Abusive Answers; abruptly Answers; snappish Impolite Insolence Reverence lack of Slander disposition to Cursing Quarrelsomeness

404Runs about

Person who moves about in hurried and hectic way from place to place. Escape Get free or get away from.

Cross reference:

Escape Impulse run to Roving; senseless

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